ANNIE HEJNY | Wall Sculpture
Shapes No. 15, 2021
Materials: Acrylic on laser cut wood
Dimensions: 30.5 x 12.5 x 1 in
2" metal French cleat (two screws) for hanging
"In early 2021 I brought my tree-work full circle, returning to the material of wood. Drawing directly from my Abstract Bark paintings, I digitized those shapes and laser-cut them out of thin plywood. Over the ensuing weeks my sculpture series emerged. Meticulously arranged, hand-painted and carefully adhered, these sculptures began from my walks amongst the trees.
This series is my most abstracted and conceptual work to date: The harvesting of trees for plywood, the synthesis of hardwood and softwoods, the debarking and sizing, bonding and pressing, all instill a sense of separation from their origin. These wall sculptures investigate how we process materials for human consumption, estranging us from beings of the more-than-human world."